Vaccination Controversy
Vaccination Guidelines*  
Vaccines:  It’s your child, it’s your choice
                                                                     Vaccine Ingredients:

Mercury, aluminum, antifreeze, formaldehyde, aborted human fetus cells, chick embryos, monkey kidney cells, fetal bovine serum, etc.
Compiled By Generation Rescue, June 2008
* In the 1980s, children received 10 vaccines by the age of 5. Today, they receive 36.
* Vaccines have never been tested in combination, meaning that adverse events that may happen from receiving too many vaccines at once are unknown.
* CBS News recently reported the U.S. government has paid more than 1,300 brain injury claims in vaccine court since 1988.
* In March 2008, a federal court ruled that vaccines caused autism in an 8 year old child, the first of more than 5,000 pending cases.
Use Caution and Safety in Approaching Vaccinations
* Consider delaying vaccines until your child is 18-24 months old.
* Do not vaccinate if your child is taking antibiotics.
* Consider no more than one vaccine per doctor’s visit – never let a doctor “catch-up” vaccines.
* If you plan to get the MMR vaccine, ask your doctor to give it in three separate vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella.
* Consider giving high doses of Vitamin C (3,000-5,000 mg per day) on the day before, of, and after vaccination.
* With the measles vaccine (MMR), consider high doses of Vitamin A (5,000 IU or more) on the day before, of, and after vaccination.
* If your child experiences any developmental delays, stop vaccinating until you learn more.
* If your child has an adverse reaction to a vaccine, stop vaccinating until you learn more.
* Always ask to see the vaccine insert, and never accept a vaccine that uses the preservative Thimerosal (mercury). Note: most flu shots today still contain Thimerosal.
Consider an Alternative Vaccination Schedule for Your Child
Go to for details. Three potential schedules are included:
* Denmark’s current vaccine schedule.
* The vaccine schedule used for American children in the 1980s.
* A schedule designed by a surgeon from the University of Washington, Donald Miller, M.D.
These recommendations are based on great books for all parents/grandparents:
• What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinations
by Stephanie Cave, MD (Paperback - September 2001)
• Evidence of Harm by David Kirby
• Additional reading on this important topic can be located at the Autism Research Institute:
*Not to be taken as a medical advice.  Please consult with your doctor about your concerns on vaccinations.